
Bertemu kembali korang,  my plan untuk post this ending internship story dah lama dah , biasalah sometimes ada je perkara perkara unexpect...

Pahit Manis Internship Part 2


Bertemu kembali korang,  my plan untuk post this ending internship story dah lama dah , biasalah sometimes ada je perkara perkara unexpected berlaku. Thats life right ?

"Every day new story, some happy , some sad. Keep Strong we will find what happiness that we looking for."

So continued with intern part ; During the internship , very comfortable with the working environment , where 50 % Malay 20 % Indian and 30 Chines. My manager actually really take care of his stuff even though what i describe him is not in a good way. Every week akan tanya " How your holiday ? Kalau lunch hour tak keluar , "Kenapa tak lunch ? Come with me , saya belanja makan" Tapi segan pulak kalau hari hari buat macam tuh , since teman nieh jenis tak makan tengah hari , makan roti or biskut oat dah cukup dah. 

And always ada gelak tawa dalam IT Department , Pressure ? Nah ..  This company kilang , so no pressure dalam nak archieve target.

(This is my girlfriend during intern that need to take care)
*Ignore cable bersepah tuh , Haha

Kerja routine everyday backup data and make sure server in optimal performance , other that as always troubleshoot pc problem all department. At that time IT department takda orang handle technical support due the person resign , so as intern diberi kepercayaan untuk handle this things. So they promise if i am good they will convert me as permenant staff , tetibe HQ assign new staff , dalam hati "$%##%^&" Hahaha , harap faham la ye.

Once its official all my worked have been take over by new staff . Even though kita kene tikam dari belakang but saya agak as dugaan waktu berkerja.

So a little advise to all fresh graduate 

"Never ever ever percaya Everything Company said tanpa hitam putih or Else akan termakan diri sendiri "

Atau dalam bahasa mudah nya "Habis Madu Sepah dibuang" Never though i use this word again since ada bad memories with it. My intern + working till 31 December 2015 , last week my internship actually fill with makan and belanja by others office mate and my manager. Thanks semua yang kenal secara langsung or tidak langsung.

Before that , yang bukan dari IT department always ask satu soalan klise " Tak sambung ke kerja dekat sini? Sometimes rasa nak tampal je jawapan tuh kat dahi. Hahaha.

Kalau jujur nya lah kan , i always love kerja kat situ lovely enviroment , kita as muslim senang nak beribadah, Rezeki saya bukan disitu , kita kene act as professional. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan terima kasih to my manager ,senior engineer and tcim buddies everyday full of sarcasm and happiness.

"dalam aku berjenaka ade kesedihan aku sorokkan , dalam aku tersenyum masih kurang nafas untuk berbicara , dalam lena aku masih ada kerisauan untuk ku jelmakan"
-Yang Baik datang Dari Allah SWT dan Yang Lemah itu datang dari Saya sendiri-

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